Downhill Eccentric Strengthening Program

*Below are the Descriptions of the Exercises Depicted Below

Warm up:

  1. Moving lunge walk for hip flexor stretch (KEEP LOW BACK FLAT SO DOESN’T ARCH) 8 rep each side

  2. Hip hinge squat with stick 20

  3. Agility ladder 8-12 rungs: forward step 2 ladders, side step 2 ladders, diagonal steps 2 ladders

#1 Time Under Tension (TUT) Squats:

**An easier seated option is listed first below for those with knee pain or beginners

  1. Stand tall on one leg:

    1. Go into Single Leg Squat counting to 3-5 seconds (Sit back into hip hinge squat till hip at level of knee or as low as can control)

    2. Hold at the bottom of the squat for 3 seconds

    3. Place other foot on ground to push back up into tall standing

    4. 5 reps for 4 sets, 2min break btw sets (add 1 more set for more advanced program)= total reps 20-25

    5. ***During 2 min rest can do other core and upper body exercises, clap push ups, pull sups, sit ups with partner ball throw

  2. Can make more challenging with

    1. Hold weight like a med ball, overhead bar, or hand weights

    2. Perform on a decline surface 30-45 deg

  3. Cable or band option: Can do these for last 1-2 sets

    1. Perform TUT squat holding a cable or band, and perform row (both hand hold) at bottom of squat for extra core challenge

#2 Eccentric Plyometrics (Cable or Sports Cord)

***FORM is VERY IMPORTANT- hip bones stay level and squatting knee stays over 2nd toe (doesn’t dive or collapse inward)

  1. 20 seconds of Single Leg hopping forward with “soft” landing either in place or advancing toward the cable (rest 20 sec) perform 2-3 times

  2. 20 seconds of Single Leg Hopping to the side with “soft Landing (rest 20 sec, perform 2-3 times)

#3 Box Jump DOWN with SOFT LANDING

1. Both legs 5 reps 3 sets (can do a higher step 8-12 in)

2. Single leg 5 reps 3 sets each leg (may want to start lower step 6-8 in)

#1: Seated TUT for Seated Position (Easiest Option)

Best done using the Knee Extension Machine at gym, but can use ankle weights at home

  1. Control with weight with both legs going up

  2. Lower the weight for a count of 3-5 sec with ONE LEG


TUT Single Leg Squat Standing (More Advanced Option):

Count 3-5 seconds to descend into squat, hold at bottom 3 seconds


#2: Cable or Sports Cord Bounding

Forward "soft" single leg squat landing against cable (holding weight for core challenge)

Forward "soft" single leg squat landing against cable (holding weight for core challenge)

Forward "soft" single leg squat landing against cable (holding weight for core challenge)

Forward "soft" single leg squat landing against cable (holding weight for core challenge)

Side to Side Single Leg Hop using sports cord or cable - hop from one leg, to the side, landing on the other leg CLOSEST TO THE CABLE (holding weight for core challenge)

Side to Side Single Leg Hop using sports cord or cable - hop from one leg, to the side, landing on the other leg CLOSEST TO THE CABLE (holding weight for core challenge)

#3: Box Jump: Down with Soft Landing

Double Leg Box Jump *note: land "sitting back" into hips for SOFT landing (trunk will be angled forward). Do not land with body vertical and hard through knees. Knees should face forward.

Double Leg Box Jump *note: land "sitting back" into hips for SOFT landing (trunk will be angled forward). Do not land with body vertical and hard through knees. Knees should face forward.

Double Leg Box Jump *note: land "sitting back" into hips for SOFT landing (trunk will be angled forward). Do not land with body vertical and hard through knees. Knees should face forward.

Double Leg Box Jump *note: land "sitting back" into hips for SOFT landing (trunk will be angled forward). Do not land with body vertical and hard through knees. Knees should face forward.

Single Leg Box Jump - focus on landing with knee forward and "soft"

Single Leg Box Jump - focus on landing with knee forward and "soft"

Single Leg Box Jump - focus on landing with knee forward and "soft"

Single Leg Box Jump - focus on landing with knee forward and "soft"


Agility Ladder

  • (AMAZON): $11.95 REEHUT Agility Ladder w/Free User E-Book + Carry Bag - Speed Training Equipment for High Intensity Footwork (8 Rungs 12 Rungs 20 Rungs)

Sports Cord

  • (AMAZON) $29.95: Scandinavian Sports Bungee Resistance Speed Band Set – 360° Rotation, 80 lbs Resistance Strength Bungee Cord 22ft Length, Sport Cones and Bonus Exercise Folder – Acceleration & Speed Training Tool

  • If you need a door anchor for the cord: (AMAZON $8.50) DYNAPRO Door Anchor- Made Extra Large to fit D-Handle Resistance Bands


  • AMAZON : Adjustable 6-8 in arobic step $35.99 Best Choice Products 30in Height-Adjustable Aerobic Step Platfrom Exercise Accessory w/ 3 Levels, Non-Slip Surface

  • WalMart: $67 Buy-Hive Plyometric Jump Box Fitness Exercise Jumping Platform 12"/18"/24" Bounce Training

  • WalMart: $107 Sunny Health & Fitness No. 072 3-in-1 Foam Plyo Box Jump Training